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The conditional (ternary) operator in JS is simpler than it seems

In the previous part of this series I talked about how you can shorten your conditionals with truthy and falsy values. So if you haven’t read that one I would recommend that you do cause this is a continuation, Link here! Probably in some occasion you have seen pieces of JS code from other programmers and suddenly you saw something like a question mark (?) and then a colon (:) and maybe you didn’t knew what was going on there, I remember this happened to me and I felt a little confused, but after I learned this I realized how handy and useful it is in so many situations.

Tips for better and readable conditionals in JS

In the previous part of this series, I talked about how you can shorten your conditionals with truthy and falsy values. If you haven’t read that one I would recommend that you do it because this is a continuation, Link here! Probably you have realized of how hard and confusing can it be to read a long conditional… Let me give you a few examples of that, and later in the post I’ll give you better solutions to them:

Shorter conditionals with Truthy and Falsy values in JS

I know that when you are working with conditions in JS very easily you could end up with an if statement with a lot of AND’s (&&) but also a lot of OR’s (||), this can lead to a long condition that can be hard to read and also bring some complications to your code (more than the ones that probably already have), that’s why in this part of the series and the next one I’ll give you a few tips to make conditionals shorter and easier to read.

When to use Function declarations or Function expressions in JavaScript?

What are function declarations and function expressions? 🔗Basically you can define functions with the function keyword at least in two ways: with a Function declaration which starts with the function keyword, then the name of the function, then the arguments (), and finally the statements{}; Also as a Function expression which can be stored in a variable, a constant or passed through a function argument, the syntax is quite similar to a function declaration, however, a function expression can be anonymous or be named.