Important notice

New changes will be made to this Privacy Policy in 28 May 2024. The new policy is now accessible to read a few days earlier, prior to its update.

Privacy Policy

Introduction 🔗

This privacy policy will become effective on May 28 2024 10:30p.m. Honduras

Welcome to Schemetastic Website.

This Privacy Policy applies to and any of its subdomains (unless that a subdomain has a different privacy policy from this) (referred in this document as the Website), this Website is operated by Rodrigo Calix, a Honduras citizen (referred from now on, the Owner or Website Owner). You’ll be referred in this document as the Visitor, You or Your(s).

This document (the Privacy Policy) explains which data is collected from You by the Owner and how it is or will be used, it also explains that some data could be stored in Your device when You access to this Website. By accessing or using the Website You agree to the storage of data in Your device, also to the collection, use and disclose of Your data by the Owner as described in this Privacy Policy.

Collected Data 🔗

This Website and the Owner collect data from You in the ways described below:

1 - Using an Analytics Software 🔗

This Website collects data using umami self-hosted, an open source privacy-focused analytics solution (the Analytics Software). When You access to this Website this Analytics Software collects some information about You in an anonymous way, for example (but not limited to): it lets the Owner or any person with an account to know how many visits does the Website obtains; how many visits does each page obtain; from which country the visitors come from; how much time do they spend using the Website; how did they enter to this Website (e.g. using Google; from a link in another Website; or maybe when a visitor just directly accessed to the Website); which are the browsers, device types, and operative systems that the visitors use; or how do the users in average interact with some elements of the Website (e.g. how many times a button is clicked). If You want to know more about the Analytics Software, the data it collects and it’s practices, You can visit

2 - With the Software the Servers Use 🔗

When You access to this Website, You connect Your device to a remote server (or servers), with the software they use they store some data from You, such as Your Internet Protocol (e.g. IP address); Your device information like (but not limited to) the browser You use, it’s version and operative system; They could also store Your unique device identifiers and other device tracking data (all this data will be referred as, Data Collected With The Servers).

3 - By Contacting the Owner 🔗

Whenever You write to the Website Owner for assistance or for any inquiries You have using any email address ending in “” that be provided in this Website, the content You provide in those messages could be collected too (these will be referred to as Electronic Communication(s)).

The above-mentioned types of gathered data will be referred in this document collectively as: Collected Data.

Reasons to Collect This Data 🔗

The data collected through the Analytics Software could be used to (but not limited to): improve the Website; create more appealing content in this Website or on different channels; it could be useful for third parties that could advertise or sponsor the Website; this data could also be helpful to develop future commercial or non-commercial products. Again, as mentioned before, this data is collected in an anonymous way.

In the case of the Data Collected With The Servers one of the main reasons of why servers collect and store device tracking data is for security, for example, if a malicious user wants to overburden the servers by doing excessive requests of files, it is possible to detect if it’s the same user who is trying to abuse the system and block it from accessing the server. In essence, the Data Collected With The Servers is used for the normal and good functioning of the Website.

In the case of Electronic Communications, they will be used to provide You support and assistance, but also to improve this Website and the content that the Owner creates.

Data Retention 🔗

All Collected Data from You will be kept and possibly duplicated in backups for as long as it be necessary for the correct and secure performance of the Website or to protect the Owner (for example, Electronic Communications could be retained permanently). Any anonymous (non-identifying) data could be permanently stored (such as the data obtained through the Analytics Software).

Data Transfer and Disclosure 🔗

These are some circumstances where the Collected Data from You could be disclosed or transferred:

Security of Data 🔗

The Collected Data from You is very important to the Owner, but please remember that no method of data transmission over the internet is 100% secure or risk-free, so even though measures are taken to protect Your data (such as using trustable third party services such as Railway) there is no guarantee that it’s absolutely secure.

Data Deletion, Amendment and Access 🔗

Depending on where You reside, You could have the right to delete, amend and access Your data. This Website is mainly informational and at the moment You cannot create an account unless the Owner provides one to You.

If You need to amend, delete or access to any data obtained or related to You whether You reside in a place where the law gives You that right or not, feel free to write to the Owner with the contact information below in this document to get assistance.

When You access to this Website You could also connect to other third party websites (Service Providers), for example when You access this Website You could also connect (but not limited to) to Google services such as,, or other services that are connected to specific pages; a Visitor with an account may also connect to (but no necessarily limited to) and These Service Providers have their own separate privacy policies, and they could (or not) obtain data from You. Notice that the list of websites contained in here, doesn’t necessarily are all the ones You will connect through this Website (or subdomains).

Also, this Website contains links to third party websites and this Privacy Policy does not apply to the use of them, You access to them at Your own risk.

Cookies and Other Data Stored in Your Device 🔗

This Website currently does not store cookies in Your device. Depending on the situation and the use You give to the Website, it might store certain data in Your device local storage, such as preferences and the way certain elements should be displayed on the Website; in the case of a Visitor with an account, also authentication login related data could be stored in the device.

Children’s Privacy 🔗

This Website is not intended for children under the age of 13, if You become aware that this Website has collected data from one, please get in touch for the removal of such data.

Changes to This Privacy Policy 🔗

The Owner may update this Privacy Policy from time to time, You are advised to regularly check this page for changes. These changes are effective when they are posted on this page, You can see the effective date of the Privacy Policy at the bottom of this page.

You will be notified prior to the new changes becoming effective with a notice on this page, with at least 14 calendar days before the new changes become effective. In some circumstances, changes to this Privacy Policy will enter in effect immediately to comply with a law, regulation or an important amendment to this Privacy Policy (for example (but not limited to): grammar corrections; services that need to be implemented in a timely manner for the security or correct performance of the Website).

Contact 🔗

If You have doubts or concerns related to this Privacy Policy, feel free to write at

Effective date of this Privacy Policy: May 28, 2024

Privacy policy that will become ineffective on May 28 2024

Introduction 🔗

Welcome to Schemetastic Website.

This Privacy Policy applies to and any of its subdomains (referred in this document as the Website), this Website is operated by Rodrigo Calix, a Honduras citizen (referred from now on, the Owner or Website Owner). You’ll be referred in this document as the Visitor, You or Your(s).

This document (the Privacy Policy) explains which data is collected from You by the Owner and how it is or will be used, it also explains that some data could be stored in Your device when You access to this Website. By accessing or using the Website You agree to the storage of data in Your device, also to the collection, use and disclose of Your data by the Owner as described in this Privacy Policy.

Collected Data 🔗

This Website and the Owner collect data from You in the ways described below:

1 - Using an Analytics Software 🔗

This Website collects data using umami self-hosted, an open source privacy-focused analytics solution (the Analytics Software). When You access to this Website this Analytics Software collects some information about You in an anonymous way, for example (but not limited to): it lets the Owner or any person with an account to know how many visits does the Website obtains; how many visits does each page obtain; from which country the visitors come from; how much time do they spend using the Website; how did they enter to this Website (e.g. using Google; from a link in another Website; or maybe when a visitor just directly accessed to the Website); which are the browsers, device types, and operative systems that the visitors use; or how do the users in average interact with some elements of the Website (e.g. how many times a button is clicked). If You want to know more about the Analytics Software, the data it collects and it’s practices, You can visit

2 - With the Software the Servers Use 🔗

When You access to this Website, You connect Your device to a remote server (or servers), with the software they use they store some data from You, such as Your Internet Protocol (e.g. IP address); Your device information like (but not limited to) the browser You use, it’s version and operative system; They could also store Your unique device identifiers and other device tracking data (all this data will be referred as, Data Collected With The Servers).

3 - By Contacting the Owner 🔗

Whenever You write to the Website Owner for assistance or for any inquiries You have using any email address ending in “” that be provided in this Website, the content You provide in those messages could be collected too (these will be referred to as Electronic Communication(s)).

The above-mentioned types of gathered data will be referred in this document collectively as: Collected Data.

Reasons to Collect This Data 🔗

The data collected through the Analytics Software could be used to (but not limited to): improve the Website; create more appealing content in this Website or on different channels; it could be useful for third parties that could advertise or sponsor the Website; this data could also be helpful to develop future commercial or non-commercial products. Again, as mentioned before, this data is collected in an anonymous way.

In the case of the Data Collected With The Servers one of the main reasons of why servers collect and store device tracking data is for security, for example, if a malicious user wants to overburden the servers by doing excessive requests of files, it is possible to detect if it’s the same user who is trying to abuse the system and block it from accessing the server. In essence, the Data Collected With The Servers is used for the normal and good functioning of the Website.

In the case of Electronic Communications, they will be used to provide You support and assistance, but also to improve this Website and the content that the Owner creates.

Data Retention 🔗

All Collected Data from You will be kept and possibly duplicated in backups for as long as it be necessary for the correct and secure performance of the Website or to protect the Owner (for example, Electronic Communications could be retained permanently). Any anonymous (non-identifying) data could be permanently stored (such as the data obtained through the Analytics Software).

Data Transfer and Disclosure 🔗

These are some circumstances where the Collected Data from You could be disclosed or transferred:

Security of Data 🔗

The Collected Data from You is very important to the Owner, but please remember that no method of data transmission over the internet is 100% secure or risk-free, so even though measures are taken to protect Your data (such as using trustable third party services such as Railway) there is no guarantee that it’s absolutely secure.

Data Deletion, Amendment and Access 🔗

Depending on where You reside, You could have the right to delete, amend and access Your data. This Website is mainly informational and at the moment You cannot create an account unless the Owner provides one to You.

If You need to amend, delete or access to any data obtained or related to You whether You reside in a place where the law gives You that right or not, feel free to write to the Owner with the contact information below in this document to get assistance.

When You access to this Website You could also connect to other third party websites (Service Providers), for example when You access this Website You could also connect (but not limited to) to Google services such as,,, or other services that are connected to specific pages; a Visitor with an account may also connect to (but no necessarily limited to) and These Service Providers have their own separate privacy policies, and they could (or not) obtain data from You.

Also, this Website contains links to third party websites and this Privacy Policy does not apply to the use of them, You access to them at Your own risk.

Cookies and Other Data Stored in Your Device 🔗

This Website currently does not store cookies in Your device. Depending on the situation and the use You give to the Website, it might store certain data in Your device local storage, such as preferences and the way certain elements should be displayed on the Website; in the case of a Visitor with an account, also authentication login related data could be stored in the device.

Children’s Privacy 🔗

This Website is not intended for children under the age of 13, if You become aware that this Website has collected data from one, please get in touch for the removal of such data.

Changes to This Privacy Policy 🔗

The Owner may update this Privacy Policy from time to time, You are advised to regularly check this page for changes. These changes are effective when they are posted on this page, You can see the effective date of the Privacy Policy at the bottom of this page.

You will be notified prior to the new changes becoming effective with a notice on this page, with at least 14 calendar days before the new changes become effective. In some circumstances, changes to this Privacy Policy will enter in effect immediately to comply with a law, regulation or an important amendment to this Privacy Policy (for example (but not limited to): grammar corrections; services that need to be implemented in a timely manner for the security or correct performance of the Website).

Contact 🔗

If You have doubts or concerns related to this Privacy Policy, feel free to write at

Effective date of this Privacy Policy: May 3, 2023